Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tech Play 4

I chose Option 2 for this assignment of Tech Play 4. I explored several tools involving technology that would be helpful and useful in the classroom.

Lumosity is a website that I found that involves brain games and brain training. The purpose of the site is train memory and attention, and deals with five different sections: Attention, Flexibility, Problem-Solving, Speed, and Memory. The age range for this site is set for 16 years old and older, although in doing research with the site, I found it to be true that any age in elementary and junior high and above may, in fact, benefit from the tools this website offers. I am focusing on Special Education in my teaching career and so I was thinking that this site would be GREAT for kids who deal with ADHD.

Another tool I found and navigated was an app for a technological device such as a smart phone, computer, or tablet. It's called Read Me Stories and it was created for a much younger age group than the previous tool I discussed. This app is free for devices and is a library that is compiled with dozens of sample books in a library. The different books are categorized according to theme and touching the characters expands the storyline. This allows smaller children who are unable to read yet, to begin the primary stages of learning to read by mentally putting the picture and the word together. I have a 2-year-old nephew that likes this app, but it is still a little advanced for him. However, it does help him with memory, picture recognition, and letter sounds.

I am very interested in Sign Language, as I have taken several classes over the years, beginning in childhood and spanning to college. I would love to incorporate Sign into my classroom, especially if I am able to work with Special Needs students like I am working toward. I believe that tools such as this app that I have found will come in handy, as they would be able to use it at home to practice with, or in the classroom during class. This particular app is called Signing Time ASL and can be purchased for $2.99 on technological devices. Scientific studies suggest that the earlier a child is able to communicate, the more easily he or she will adjust to the world around him or her, and ultimately, perform better in school and so on. The benefit of using this app is that it's merely a Sign Language dictionary containing 145 flash cards used to jumpstart the learning process for young children. This is focused on more of the younger population as a general rule, but can also be used for older students as well.

The last tool I researched for this assignment was one called Quick Graph. I was particularly interested in this one because it's for High Schoolers and it involves Math and can be used with Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry. When I was in High School, I was not good at Math. For class, we were encouraged to purchase graphing calculators, such as a TI-83, but this app seems to offer everything the calculator does, plus more. We didn't have iPhones or anything like it back then, but now, I think this is a great opportunity for anyone in Math classes. Most kids already have tablets or smart phones. They could easily have access to a great tool to help them learn!

The way that each of these educational tools would fit into the TPACK model is that each of them individually and uniquely incorporate Pedagogy, Content, and Technology. In the previous paragraphs, I briefly highlighted each one, explaining a background of these topics. Each of the tools would be beneficial to students, of any age, at home while working on homework, or in the classroom working on individual work or class work as a group.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Creativity Tools

I looked high and low this week in search of various creativity tools that would come in handy in the classroom. I tried out several free apps myself, had my husband try some, and even had my 2 1/2 year old nephew try some. I had a lot of fun with this assignment. Finally, I decided to settle with creating a short Children's book in video form. You will find the link below.

The importance of various creativity tools is endless in the world of educational technology today. There are pros and cons, just like with everything, but after researching and studying, and being a current student myself, I see that the positives far outweigh the negatives regarding the subject on Creativity Tools in the classroom. They really give students, regardless of age or subject matter, a new/different way to learn, an outlet to express themselves, a break from the classroom, and the list goes on.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

E-Portfolio: The Beginning Stages

2nd Educational Post..Creating an Eportfolio...

Creating an Eportfolio... 

When I first was to begin on this assignment, I had no idea what an eportfolio was. I know what a portfolio is and actually had one in Cosmetology school and have one accompanying my resume for my career in the counseling field. However, an eportfolio is different in the way that it is displayed online. Eportfolios are used mainly by teachers, but by students also. Eportfolios are "dynamic, developmental spaces representing your professional self on the web...They are becoming standard practice for academics, students, and professionals and typically include examples of skills and achievements, as well as a reflective blog element."

Blogs, I understand. I love to write, so I believe that in this class and in the future as the teacher of a classroom, I will implement blogging into my daily or weekly routine. I believe it can be a main aspect of an Eportfolio as well, benefiting the students greatly. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

ETEC 524: My First Educational Blog...

I cannot figure out how to set up a new Blog on my new computer, as I have no figured out how to use it 100% yet, so I will write blog posts on my existing least, for now. I hope that's okay!

Since I attended the first workshop in this alternative certification program, I have been very interested in starting a blog as a teacher in the classroom. It was a major topic of discussion during that workshop and needless to say, it peeked my interest. 

Blogging is a popular way of keeping record of things on what is like an online journal, to share posts with others. As a student growing up, I never experience this until college, when a few of my professors used a blog to update students on ongoings in the classroom or changes to the syllabus. Just like with anything, it has its pros and cons. 

I would be very interested in putting a blog to use in a junior high or high school classroom. Blogging in the classroom can engage students who are not particularly interested in reading or writing. If this is a grade, it may spark their interest and cause them to do it simply because it's online rather than just picking up a book and reading it. Along these same lines, the teacher could post incentives on the blog or even encouragement to keep students interested. If students are having to blog themselves, some people may say, it's not teaching them to spell because the computer has spell check, or it's not teaching them to write and work on their penmanship. A counter reason for these two issues would be that the teacher disables the spellcheck feature on the blog and encourages students to check their own spelling. Also, while it does not necessarily allow students to work on their penmanship, it does however allow them to work on their typing skills. Again, pros and cons.

 Secondly, most of these students' parents are at work all day, and each of their jobs, has a computer or they have access to the internet on their phone. Parents will have simple and quick access to their children's grades, homework assignments, etc.
As a teacher, I believe I will utilize blogging as much as I will incorporate it into the students' learning and assignments, if not more.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"...I have found him, the one my soul loveth..." Song of Solomon 3:4

Haven't blogged in several months, so there is much to update on! For now, it will be a brief overview about the man of my dreams!


I met Logan at the end of July (who lived in Seagoville, 3 hours away from me) and we began to talk on the phone and via computer, and get to know each other that way and build a foundation of friendship. We realized we had much in common and how small of a world it really is! We had both worked at a local church camp a few years ago, had many mutual friends, and our grandparents both lived in Haskell, TX, just a few houses down from each other! He came to Abilene, (where I lived and worked and also was in Cosmetology school)  to stay at my parents house for the weekend and to spend time with and get to know me. After our first "date" and getting to know each other more, we told our parents and it was "official" on September 1, 2012 that we were a couple, courting and dating! I met his parents that next weekend and they welcomed me with open hearts and open arms. I knew deep in my soul that God had brought Logan into my life forever, not just for a season. He was everything I had ever dreamed of and prayed for. He was my God-send and I knew that I wanted to someday be Mrs. Logan Taylor White. From the beginning, Logan and I promised each other that we would strive and work together to keep God at the center of our relationship and get to know each other better daily, with the intention of being God-honoring. Because of the good leader he is in our relationship, Logan prayed over me and over our relationship every night as we said good-bye after hours and hours of phone conversations. Time passed and all he and I could really do because of the long-distance relationship, was talk, talk, and then talk some more. We really got to know each other and were able to discuss things, bear our souls, and pray about things of all sorts! We  DEFINITELY got to know each other well this way. We took turns going to visit each other and enjoyed what time we got to spend together... September passed, October came and went, November came and I was able to spend Thanksgiving with his family, which was wonderful! The way I feel when I'm around them is so wonderful! They are the most welcoming, humble, and selfless family you'll ever meet. Logan took me to look at engagement rings one weekend when he came to Abilene to see me! It was a wonderful, fun day of shopping, talking, looking at rings, and discussing/planning our future. December came and I got super sick and was in the hospital with severe dehydration. It was a scary time for me, Logan, and our families, but God healed me and I was able to return home rather quickly, to recouperate. Because of this, I had to withdraw from Cosmetology school and only work for a while instead of doing both, because the Doctor said 80 hours/week was too much on my body. I rested for a week before returning to work and we celebrated Christmas early with Logan's family, which was amazing, as our time always is together. We had talked with each other and our families about getting married and had even openly discussed a wedding date in the Spring or Summer, but had not talked much about it past that. Logan had made the last 4 trips to see me, so it was definitely my turn to return to Seagoville! Saturday after work, I headed that way! Sunday morning church was great, as always... an amazing lesson in youth Sunday School given by Logan, a great sermon by Pastor Chris, wonderful music by Logan and the rest of the praise band, a good invitation and prayer time.... then it was time for announcements. Logan got up to the podium to give announcements of upcoming events at the church and then started talking about ME! He began to tell the congregation about me and mentioned that most of them knew who I was, but just in case there were any that didn't, he asked me to come up to the front and stand by him. I did just that and he held my hand in front of everyone, said super sweet things, almost started crying, which made me choke up a little bit and get tears in my eyes, then he got down on one knee, held out the most beautiful ring I have ever seen in my whole life, and asked me if I'd marry him. I told him I would and he wrapped me in his perfect embrace! He is the best hugger in the world, after all! It was special, intimate, perfect, and beyond any proposeal I'd ever dreamed of. We enjoyed lunch with Pastor Chris and his family, along with some other good friends of ours that are part of the church staff. Then, we spent the day telling family and friends and enjoying what time we were able to spend together! That night at church, Logan and I prayed together at the alter and gave our relationship once again to God and asked that He bless our engagment and wedding-planning. Our wedding will be on April 13th in Stephenville, TX at Victory Baptist Church, where Logan's dad is the Pastor and will officiate our special ceremony. We will live in Seagoville following the wedding, where Logan already lives and serves as Youth Pastor at Victory Baptist Church (same name, yes. haha) in Seagoville, which is just south of Dallas.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Well...if I've learned one thing these last few weeks, it's that I sure don't have to understand God's will for my life in order to participate in it! Recently, I was asked by my good friends (the youth pastor and his wife) to serve in our church by teaching the Jr. High girls in the Youth on Sunday mornings. My first reaction was a combination of emotions.... I have been praying for God to show me where all He wanted to use me in our church and He has opened some doors along the way and has allowed me to get plugged in with our church family. So of course I was honored and excited about this opportunity to teach! But, I also am very involved in my current adult Sunday School class and have been for a while, so I was a little sad at the thought of being away from them on Sunday mornings because through the hardest time in my life, they have become my sounding board, accountability partners, encouragers, friends, and my family. After much prayer and discussion with a few trusted friends, I do feel called to teach in the Youth, so this coming Sunday will be my first morning to teach! I get to meet and love on all of my new girls on Saturday night and get the privelege of leading them in God's word on Sunday! Praise the Lord for this opportunity I have! Pray with me that God gives me the words to speak and that anything that is said or done in that classroom may be used ONLY for His glory. Pray for open hearts for myself and for the girls. Pray for this to be the beginning of a big BLESSING in all of our lives.



Another thing... I have heard of people going on a "Walk To Emmaus" before, from both of my parents, to my best friend, to several people I have known my whole life. I used to work at a church camp for a few years and was very familiar with the "Walks".... through all of this, though, I have never personally gone. One of my friends is on one this weekend and since hearing of him going, I committed to praying for him while he's there. Two weeks ago, THREE different women came up to me at church and asked me if I had ever gone on one and what I was waiting for! I felt convicted about it the more and more I thought about it and so I talked to my good friend from church and told her I was interested. She sent me the paperwork and I got it signed by our pastor the next day. She sent it in and told me there were only THREE open spots left for the Walk coming up at the end of September. We both (along with a few others) agreed in prayer that it was God's timing and that it all was in His hands and that I would be accepted on the Walk that He had for me. Last night, I got a message that it was official and that I am going September 27th-30th! Praise the Lord for sweet women in my life that show an interest in me! Praise the Lord for His PERFECT timing! Praise the Lord for providing me with opportunities to grow in my walk and to strengthen my faith in Him!